Hidden Reserve
The Style name can only be added on the tags with the name letter colour white/black/silver or gold, the style name can’t be used on tags with special silver or special gold letters
The shadow can only be added on the style tags, the shadow can’t be used on tags with special silver or special gold letters
You always get the standard ring with your tag, but if you want a smaller or bigger ring, you can choose that or if you don't want that just choose the standard option
See the letter fonts & tag sizes page, and the Colour & Flowers page for all information.
The Hidden Reserve are premade tags that already have been made and only need a name and phone number. These tags are in different shapes.
Size S:
- Number 5
- Only small names fit on the S shapes.
Size M:
- Numbers 6-12, 14
Size L:
- Numbers 1-4, 13, 15-19
Note: Each tag is one of a kind and only available in a single piece.